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Constitution and By-Laws

The Newtown Chapter of the National Honor Society operates under the guidance of the organizations Constitution and By-Laws. These two documents include information regarding the membership selection process, membership responsibility, and dismissal procedures. A PDF copy of these documents can be found here. Below is a copy of these documents. The formatting of the document may be incorrect do it being "pasted" into this section.




Article I. Name and Purpose

Section 1.    The name of this organization shall be the Newtown High School Chapter of the National Honor Society. 

Section 2.    The purpose of this organization shall be to foster enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to develop character and citizenship in the students of Newtown High School.

Section 3.    The Newtown High School Chapter of the National Honor Society shall be under the sponsorship and supervision of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1537. 

Article II. Principal

Section 1.    The principal shall reserve the right to approve all activities and decisions of the chapter. 

Section 2.    The principal shall annually appoint a Chapter Advisor (s), who may serve consecutive terms. 

Section 3.    The principal shall annually appoint a Faculty Council composed of five faculty members, who may serve consecutive terms. 

Section 4.    The principal may appoint alternate members to the Faculty Council to serve in the absence of a current member.

Section 5.    The principal shall be a part of the local school board district appeal process for non-selection or dismissal cases. 

Article III. The Chapter Advisor

Section 1.    The Chapter Advisor(s) shall be responsible for the direct, day-to-day supervision of the chapter and act as a liaison between faculty, administration, students, and the community. 

Section 2.    The Chapter Advisor(s) shall maintain files of membership, chapter history, activities, and financial transactions.   The Chapter Advisors shall send the annual report to the national office, as required by the National Council of the National Honor Society.

Section 3.    The Chapter Advisor(s) shall regularly review each member for compliance with Society standards and obligations. 

Section 4.    The Chapter Advisor(s) shall help the chapter officers understand and carry out their duties.

Section 5.    The Chapter Advisor(s) shall be an ex officio, non-voting, member of the Faculty Council.

Section 6.    The Chapter Advisor (s) shall be a member of the faculty, appointed annually by the principal, and may serve consecutive terms.

Article IV. Faculty Council

Section 1.    The Faculty Council shall consist of five voting faculty members appointed annually by the principal. The Chapter Advisor(s) shall be an ex officio, non-voting, member of the Faculty Council.  No principal or assistant principal shall be included on the Faculty Council.

Section 2.    The term of the Faculty Council shall be one year. Members may be appointed to consecutive terms. 

Section 3.    The Faculty Council shall meet as required to review the procedures of the chapter, to select members, and to consider dismissal, non-selection, other disciplinary actions, and warning cases. 

Section 4.    The Faculty Council shall develop and revise, when necessary, all chapter procedures for selection, disciplining, and dismissal of members, all of which must remain in compliance with national guidelines.  Any and all additions, deletions, and modifications shall be reported to and approved by the principal.

Article V. Membership

Section 1.    Membership in the Newtown chapter, as in all National Honor Societies, is an honor, a privilege, and a responsibility bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is by a Faculty Council and is based on outstanding scholarship, character, citizenship, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility of continuing to demonstrate these qualities.

Section 2.    Membership shall be known as active, honorary, and graduate. Active members shall become graduate members at graduation.  Graduate members shall have no voice or vote in chapter affairs. The Faculty Council shall reserve the right to award honorary membership to school officials, principals, teachers, NHS Advisors, adults, students with disabilities or foreign exchange students in recognition of achievement and/or outstanding service rendered to the school in keeping with the purpose of the National Honor Society.  Honorary members shall have no voice or vote in chapter affairs.

Section 3.    Candidates become members when inducted at a special ceremony.

Section 4.    A NHS member who transfers from another school and presents a letter from the former principal or Chapter Advisor to the Newtown Advisor(s) shall be accepted automatically as a member in the Newtown chapter. Transfer students must then meet the Newtown chapter's standards within one semester in order to retain membership. 

Section 5.    Members who resign or are dismissed are never again eligible for NHS membership or its benefits. 

Article VI. Selection of Members

Section 1.    To be eligible for membership, candidates must be members of the junior or senior class and have been in attendance at Newtown High School for the equivalent of one semester. 

Section 2.    Candidates must have a cumulative GPA of exactly 3.630 or higher and a simple numerical grade average greater than or equal to exactly 91.0. Candidates shall then be evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, citizenship, and character. 

Section 3.    The selection of each member to the Newtown chapter shall be by a majority vote of the Faculty Council. 

Section 4.    The selection procedure shall be established by the Faculty Council and shall be consistent with the rules and regulations of the National Honor Society. A description of Newtown’s selection procedure is published in the student handbook and bylaws. It shall be available, either electronically or in print, to any persons requesting a copy.

Section 5.    The National Council and the NASSP shall not review the judgment of the Faculty Council regarding selection of individual members to the Newtown chapter. 

Article VII. Dismissal

Section 1.    The procedure for dismissal shall be determined by the Faculty Council in compliance with the rules and regulations of the National Honor Society. A description of Newtown's dismissal procedure is published in the bylaws. It shall be available, either electronically or in print, to any persons requesting a copy.

Section 2.    Members who fall below the standards that represent the basis for their selection shall be promptly warned in writing by the Chapter Advisor(s) and given a reasonable amount of time to correct the deficiency, except that in the case of a flagrant violation of school rules or of civic laws a member does not necessarily have to be warned. 

Section 3.    The Faculty Council shall determine when an individual has exceeded a reasonable number of warnings. 

Section 4.    In all cases of impending dismissal, a member shall have the right to a hearing before the Faculty Council. 

Section 5.    For purposes of dismissal, a majority vote of the Faculty Council is required.

Section 6.    A member who has been dismissed may appeal the decision of the Faculty Council under the same rules for disciplinary appeals in the Newtown Public School System. 

Section 7.    The National Council and NASSP shall hear no appeals in dismissal cases. 

Article VIII.  Chapter Officers

Section 1.    The officers of the chapter, their duties, and the method of their election shall be determined by the members of the Newtown Chapter, approved by Faculty Council and the principal, and described in the chapter bylaws.

Section 2.    New officers shall be installed at a special ceremony.

Article IX. Executive Committee

Section 1.    The Executive Committee of Newtown's NHS shall consist of the Officers of the Newtown Chapter and the Chapter Advisor(s).

Section 2.    The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the chapter between its business meetings, make recommendations to the chapter, and determine and perform such other duties as are specified in the chapter bylaws.  All actions and recommendations of the executive committee shall be subject to the review of the chapter membership.

Section 3.    The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility for ensuring that chapter activities and procedures follow school policy and regulations.

Article X. Meetings

Section 1.    The Newtown Chapter shall have regular meetings during the school year on days designated by the Executive Committee and in accordance with school policy and regulations. 

Section 2.    The regularity of the meetings shall be designated in the bylaws.

Section 3.    The Newtown chapter shall conduct meetings according to Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised in all points not expressly provided for in this Constitution or the Newtown Chapter bylaws. 

Section 4.    Special meetings approved by the Executive Committee may be called by the Newtown Chapter President or other designated student leader. 

Article XI. Activities

Section 1.    The Newtown Chapter shall determine one or more service projects for each year.

Section 2.    All members of the Newtown NHS shall regularly participate in these projects.

Section 3.    These projects shall have the following characteristics: fulfill a need within the school or community; have the support of the administration and the faculty; be congruent with the mission statement of Newtown High School; and be well planned, organized, and executed. 

Section 4.    The Newtown Chapter shall publicize its projects in a positive manner. 

Article XII. Official Insignia

Section 1.    This organization shall have an official emblem selected by the National Council.  The emblem shall be uniform.

Section 2.    The distribution of the emblem and the rules for its use shall be under the exclusive control of the National Council.

Section 3.    Each active, honorary, or graduate member shall be entitled to wear this emblem.

Section 4.    Any member who resigns or is dismissed shall return the emblem to the Chapter Advisor(s).

Section 5.    The motto of the National Honor Society shall be Noblesse Oblige.

Section 6.    The official colors of the National Honor Society shall be blue and gold.

Article XIII. Bylaws

Section 1.    The Newtown Chapter shall write bylaws to amplify sections of this Constitution and to clarify operating procedures of the chapter.  Bylaws do not need the approval of the National Council but must be consistent with the Constitution of the National Honor Society.

Section 2.    The chapter bylaws shall contain information concerning the election and duties of officers, the schedule of meetings, member obligations, dues, and the like. 

Article XIV. Amendments

This constitution may be amended at any meeting of the Newtown National Honor Society Faculty Council or l by an affirmative vote of three members of the Faculty Council via mail or e-mail.



 December 2010, April 2012, & June 2016


Ratified by the Faculty Council:                                         

January 7, 2011, May 1, 2012, & June 17, 2016


Ratified by the membership of the National Honor Society: 

May 25, 2012 & June 18, 2016                                      



Newtown High School Chapter


The following bylaws apply to the Newtown High School Chapter of the National Honor Society and are meant to clarify the operating procedures of this chapter. The bylaws amplify the various sections of the fourteen articles in Newtown's Constitution and should be read in conjunction with these guiding principles. If no clarification of the Constitution is necessary in the bylaws, the term "No clarification necessary" shall accompany the article. 


Article I. Name and Purpose

The Newtown High School Chapter of the National Honor Society shall be consistent with the constitution of the National Honor Society in all instances. The bylaws shall contain specific information pertinent to the Newtown High School Chapter's day-to-day governance. 

Article II. Principal

The Newtown High School Principal has the right to approve all activities and decisions of the Newtown High School Chapter of the National Honor Society.  This authority extends to the selection and dismissal of members.

Article III. The Chapter Advisor

No clarification necessary

Article IV. Faculty Council

  1. The members of the Faculty Council shall recognize that they are surrogates for the entire faculty of Newtown High School.

  2. The members of the Faculty Council shall be fully knowledgeable of the guidelines for the Newtown Chapter and they shall carefully follow all stated guidelines and procedures in all aspects of the chapter’s activity.

  3. An alternate member of the Faculty Council shall exist in the event that a regular member is unable to participate in the selection process.

  4. Members of the Faculty Council shall serve no more than 3 consecutive years.

  5. The Faculty Council shall meet in September or October to consider the qualifications of candidates, elect new members, and review chapter policies. They may meet additionally throughout the year.

Article V. Membership

  1. Members of the National Honor Society shall continue to demonstrate the qualities upon which their selection was based, striving to provide exemplary leadership and volunteer service to Newtown High School and the community.

  2. All NHS members are expected to attend all scheduled meetings, including, but not limited to, chapter meetings and committee meetings.  Any member who fails to attend a minimum of 80% of scheduled meetings will risk dismissal from the NHS.  A member who has more than two unexcused absence from scheduled meetings will risk dismissal from the NHS...

  3. All NHS members must display exemplary character.  Any act that calls a member’s character into question may result in dismissal from the NHS.

  4. All NHS members must display exemplary scholarship. Members must maintain a cumulative GPA of exactly 3.630 or higher and a simple numerical grade average greater than or equal to exactly 91.0. Cumulative GPA’s will be examined at the end of each semester.  NHS members who fall below the aforementioned standard shall be given one semester in which to bring their academic standing back to level required for membership.  This accommodation will be made no more than once for any member.

  5. All NHS members must perform ongoing community service. Any member who fails to meet their service obligation more than once will risk dismissal from the Newtown Chapter of the National Honor Society. The service obligation will be identified annually by the executive committee.

  6. All NHS members are expected to attend NHS functions, including, but not limited to, fund raising activities, service activities, and the annual Induction Ceremony.

  7. Annual dues for membership in the Newtown Chapter of the National Honor Society shall be $10.00, payable to the Chapter Treasurer within 30 calendar days of induction. 

Article VI. Selection of Members

  1. Members are to be selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character.

  2. In the fall of either the junior or senior year, students who meet the minimum academic requirement (Article V – Section 4) will be notified of their eligibility for membership by mail or e-mail by the Chapter Advisor(s).

  3. Candidates who wish to be considered for membership must attend an informational meeting describing the privilege, honor, and responsibilities that are part of the National Honor Society, as well as the process by which one becomes a member.  At that time, candidates will be instructed how and when to complete a Student Activity / Information Packet that includes:

    1. Leadership Activities – Each candidate shall demonstrate active leadership in at least two organizations, one of which is affiliated with Newtown High School, in which the candidate has led others to a clear goal or objective.

    2. Service Activities – Each candidate shall demonstrate service to school or school and community by participating in events or activities whose primary purpose is to benefit others.  At the time of submitting an informational packet, the candidate must have completed a minimum of 75 hours of service, with at least 15 of those hours spent in service to school within the preceding 12 months. The candidate may also meet this requirement by completing a minimum of 90 hours of service to either school or community, at the time the informational packet is submitted. At least one service activity must have been done directly through Newtown High School or as part of a club or organization at NHS. All service hours must be completed during the candidate’s high school tenure and must be documented and verified by the sponsor. Service is defined as a positive, non-self-serving contribution to the welfare of others.  Activities for which a candidate received a grade or credit in a class, received monetary or other remuneration, or was part of a fundraising activity designed to directly benefit the candidate, among other things, are not considered service. Service to school would not include any school clubs or organizations whose primary function is other than service, unless there is clear evidence that the organization has participated in an activity with the express purpose of providing service to school.

    3. Written Documentation- Each Candidate shall submit a written document of no more than 400 words on a topic that provides additional information regarding the candidate’s Scholarship, Service, Character, and/or Leadership. This document is required as part of the informational packet and will serve as additional information to enhance the student’s informational packet. 

  4. The names of candidates who have submitted completed Student Activity / Information Packages on time will be included on a Faculty Evaluation Form that is to be distributed to all faculty members, coaches, and staff.  Each staff member will also be encouraged to include comments, which will be shared with the Faculty Council.  A staff vote for membership is not permissible, but the Faculty Council strongly considers input from the staff.

  5. Disciplinary records, including attendance records, of all candidates will be checked by the Chapter Advisor(s), and any disciplinary referrals occurring after the freshman year will be shared with the Faculty Council.

  6. A summary of the materials mentioned in items 3, 4, and 5 of this Article will then be produced (without the names of the individual candidates attached) and provided to the members of the Faculty Council.

  7. Once the Faculty Council has had time to review the submitted/collected materials, they will convene (in closed session) to discuss and vote on candidates.  Candidates must receive at least 3 of 5 votes to qualify for membership.

  8. The Chapter Advisor(s) shall notify all candidates by mail or e-mail of the decision made by the Faculty Council.

  9. The Chapter Advisor(s) shall retain all candidacy materials and selection records for a period not less than one calendar year and shall make them available to the Faculty Council.

  10. Members are publicly inducted at the annual Induction Ceremony.

Article VII. Dismissal

  1. There shall be no such thing as ‘automatic dismissal’ from the Newtown Chapter of the National Honor Society.

  2. Students may receive a warning for failing to maintain the standards by which they were selected for membership.  The warning shall be in the form of a letter from the Chapter Advisor(s).  A copy of the letter will also be sent to the parents of the member and the Newtown High School Principal. (Please refer to Article VII – Section 2 of the Newtown NHS Constitution for situations that do not warrant any warning prior to the initiation of dismissal proceedings).

  3. Failure to maintain the required academic standing will result in the member being placed on probation for a period of one semester.  If, at the end of that semester, the deficiency has not been corrected, the Chapter Advisor (s) may initiate dismissal proceedings.

  4. Members are allowed a single warning for minor infractions.  If a second infraction takes place after the initial warning, notification of the initiation of dismissal proceedings will be sent to the student along with details regarding the procedure for a hearing before the Faculty Council.

  5. In all cases of impending dismissal, a member shall have the right to a hearing before the Faculty Council.  After being notified of the initiation of dismissal proceedings, it is the responsibility of the member to contact the Chapter Advisor (s) within five school days to schedule a mutually convenient meeting time.  After five days, the Chapter Advisor(s) may choose to continue with dismissal proceedings without the aforementioned hearing.

  6. The Faculty Council shall meet, in closed session, to discuss the details of the pending dismissal and vote on whether or not to dismiss the member.

  7. The decision of the Faculty Council will be communicated in writing to the member, the parents of the member, the Newtown High School Principal, and the National secretary of the National Honor Society.

  8. The member may appeal the Faculty Council’s decision to the Newtown High School Principal.

  9. Students who are dismissed are never again eligible for membership in the National Honor Society.

  10. Resignation from the Newtown Chapter of the National Honor Society shall be done in writing and shall be addressed to the Chapter Advisor(s) and Newtown High School Principal.  Verbal resignations are insufficient to terminate membership.

Article VIII.  Chapter Officers

  1. The officers of the Newtown Chapter of the National Honor Society, their respective duties, and the method of their election shall be posted (in writing, electronically, or both) prior to elections.

  2. Elections of officers shall take place no later than two months following the Induction Ceremony. 

  3. The officers of the Newtown Chapter of the National Honor Society shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Historian, President-Elect, Vice President-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, Secretary-Elect, and Historian-Elect.

  4. Members must be seniors in good standing to be eligible to hold the office of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Historian.

  5. Members must be juniors in good standing in order to be eligible to run for President-Elect, Vice President-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, Secretary-Elect, and Historian-Elect.

  6. Members who have successfully served as an officer-elect will automatically be installed in that office after the preceding officer has graduated.  The installment will be done at a meeting of the chapter.

  7. It shall be the duty of all officers and officers-elect to attend all NHS meetings and Executive Council meetings.

  8. It shall be the duty of officers-elect to work with the current officers to ensure a smooth transition from one year to the next.

  9. Elections for officers-elect:

    1. Members shall be nominated to a particular office by another member of the chapter.

    2. Members may accept multiple nominations to different offices.

    3. Members who have accepted a nomination must complete an officer information Packet (for each nomination accepted) that includes a statement by the student and the signature of two faculty members who can attest to the member’s suitability for the position.

    4. The membership will rate each candidate for each office (1 = least suitable, 2 = more suitable, etc.).  The ratings will be summed and the candidate with the greatest total is elected to the position.  In the event of a tie, the candidate with the greatest number of ‘most suitable’ votes will be elected.

    5. A candidate who is elected to more than one office shall choose a single office to hold and the runner-up in the office that is not chosen shall be elected to that office.

  10. Responsibilities of Officers:

    1. President:  The President of the Newtown High School Chapter of the National Honor Society shall:

                                          i.    Prepare the agenda for all meetings with advice from the Executive Council

                                         ii.    Confirm the agenda with the Chapter Advisor (s) one week prior to the meeting (with the exception of emergency meetings).

                                        iii.    Preside at all meetings of the Newtown High School National Honor Society.

                                        iv.    Be aware of parliamentary procedure and use it accordingly at chapter meetings.

                                         v.    Appoint necessary committees and delegate leadership responsibilities.

                                        vi.    Serve as an ex officio member on all NHS committees.

                                       vii.    Represent the Newtown High School National Honor Society at school and public functions.

                                      viii.    Meet regularly with the Chapter Advisor(s) to discuss the progress of ongoing projects.

                                        ix.    Write and deliver a speech on the Goals and Achievements of the National honor Society at the Induction Ceremony.

                                         x.    Conduct the actual induction of new members at the Induction Ceremony.

                                        xi.    Maintain a record of actions taken during his/her tenure to be passed onto the President-elect.

  1. Vice President:  The Vice President of the Newtown High School Chapter of the National Honor Society shall:

                                          i.    Preside at all meetings and perform all duties of the President in the President’s absence.

                                         ii.    Assist the President in maintaining order at chapter meetings.

                                        iii.    Be aware of parliamentary procedure and call the President’s attention to irregularities in procedure during chapter meetings.

                                        iv.    Coordinate the activities of committees, all leadership projects, and group service projects.

                                         v.    Plan and Preside at the Induction Ceremony.

                                        vi.    Write and deliver a speech on Service at the Induction Ceremony (including a synopsis of group service projects performed by the chapter).

                                       vii.    Maintain a record of service hours completed by members and report deficiencies to the Chapter Advisor.

                                      viii.    Serve the remaining term of the President if he/she is removed from office or resigns.

                                        ix.    Maintain a record of actions taken during his/her tenure to be passed onto the Vice President-elect.

  1. Secretary:  The Secretary of the Newtown High School Chapter of the National Honor Society shall:

                                          i.    Keep accurate, complete minutes of all general and executive meetings.

                                         ii.    Keep accurate, complete attendance records of all meetings.

                                        iii.    Keep a proper file of all incoming and outgoing correspondence.

                                        iv.    Assist the Chapter Advisor with all official chapter correspondence.

                                         v.    Prepare any necessary chapter reports.

                                        vi.    Protect any/all records of the chapter.

                                       vii.    Keep and update calendars of all chapter events for the school year.

                                      viii.    Keep an updated roster of all current chapter members and inductees, including addresses, home telephone numbers, and email addresses.

                                        ix.    Prepare any announcements that concern full chapter meetings or chapter activities.

                                         x.    Assist the Chapter Advisor(s) in maintaining an up-to-date collection of all necessary forms and documents on the Newtown NHS website.

                                        xi.    Write and deliver a speech on Scholarship at the Induction Ceremony.

                                       xii.    Maintain a record of all committee reports.

                                      xiii.    Maintain a record of actions taken during his/her tenure to be passed onto the Secretary-elect.

  1. Treasurer:  The Treasurer of the Newtown High School Chapter of the National Honor Society shall:

                                          i.    Receive and account for all money that comes into the chapter treasury.

                                         ii.    Maintain an accurate and timely record of all chapter expenditures.

                                        iii.    Chair all fund raising activities of the chapter.

                                        iv.    Assist the Chapter Advisor(s) in preparing a statement of estimated receipts and expenditures for the school year.

                                         v.    Pay out all funds on authorization of the Executive Council.

                                        vi.    Assist the Executive Council in an annual audit of all financial records.

                                       vii.    Report on the financial status of the chapter at each NHS meeting. 

                                      viii.    Write and deliver a speech on Leadership at the Induction Ceremony.

                                        ix.    Maintain a record of actions taken during his/her tenure to be passed onto the Treasurer-elect.

  1. Historian:  The Historian of the Newtown High School Chapter of the National Honor Society shall:

                                          i.    Record the activities of the chapter through photographs, video, newspaper clippings, written reports, etc.

                                         ii.    Maintain a bulletin board that will showcase the activities and members of the chapter and update its contents at least once a month.

                                        iii.    Assist the Chapter Advisor (s) in maintaining a web page to showcase the activities and members of the chapter and update its content at least once a month.

                                        iv.    Assist the Chapter Advisor (s) in preparing news releases related to NHS activities and achievements.

                                         v.    Write and deliver a speech on Character at the Induction Ceremony.

                                        vi.    Assist the Chapter Advisor (s) in preparing material for the yearbook and the school/PTSA newsletter.

                                       vii.    Maintain a record of actions taken during his/her tenure to be passed onto the Historian-elect.

  1. Resignation or Dismissal of officers:

    1. In the event that the President is removed from office for disciplinary reasons, failure to perform his/her duties as described in this document, or by resignation, the Vice President shall serve as President for the remainder of the term.

    2. In the event that the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Historian is removed from office for disciplinary reasons, failure to perform his/her duties as described in this document, or by resignation, the Executive Council shall have the authority to appoint a replacement to serve out the remainder of the term.

Article IX. Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee shall prepare a schedule of meetings for the school year prior to the end of the first full week of school.

  2. The Executive Committee shall prepare an annual report to be submitted to the National Council of the National Honor Society.

Article X. Meetings

  1. Regular meetings of the chapter shall be held monthly during the school year.  Meetings shall take place at a time and location to be determined by the Executive Committee.

  2. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held semimonthly during the school year.  Meetings shall take place at a time and location to be determined by the Executive Committee.

  3. Committee meetings shall be scheduled by the Committee Chairperson as needed.

  4. Attendance at all meetings and the annual Induction Ceremony is required for all members.

Article XI. Activities

No clarification necessary

Article XII. Official Insignia

No clarification necessary

Article XIII. Bylaws

No clarification necessary

Article XIV. Amendments

No clarification necessary




 December 2010, April 2012, & June 2016


Ratified by the Faculty Council:                                         

January 7, 2011, May 1, 2012, & June 17, 2016


Ratified by the membership of the National Honor Society: 

May 25, 2012 & June 18, 2016

12 Berkshire Rd
Newtown, Fairfield County 06482


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